Italian rescuers reach worst hit flood areas

  • 13 years ago
The trail of destruction left by deadly floods that struck northern and central Italy on Tuesday.
The torrents claimed the lives of at least nine people, with several still missing.
On Thursday, rescue workers attempted to reach the areas worst hit.
One resident describes the scene when the floods were at their peak in his village.
"We had a flood that we never, ever saw before, the rain fell and then it was two metres high on the ground, terribly fast, we were on the roof and we had to go down and run elsewhere."
Scenes like this are mirrored across the northern and central region.
With roads washed away and many major routes blocked with debris, rescue services have found it difficult to enter the areas worst hit.
The army has been called upon to provide assistance, with military vehicles being used to aid local authorities in clearing the damage.
Simon Hanna, Reuters.
