Style Guide: Sterling Silver Bracelets - Women's Style

  • 13 years ago
Style Guide: Sterling Silver Bracelets - as part of the Women's Style series by GeoBeats. If your looking for something kind-of fun and everyday but, a little different, is this bamboo trio. I like it cause it is delicate and it has, you can see the bamboo markings. So it is not quite like a giant bamboo but it is very subtle and on, it is very pretty and very easy to wear everyday to work or even out at night. This second choice, let me show you a little closer, see. It has even a fun little dangly sound. It is always nice to hear your jewelry. The next item which is one of my recent favorites is part of my Gotham Girl collection. It is love on a bracelet, very subtle. As you can see when it is on, its very delicate. Delicate but still very sturdy, and it is the kind-of thing where I guess a bracelet is when you look down at your own arm and it just reminds you of something to keep in your life. The last choice that I have that I think is on more of the edgy side for a silver bracelet, it is for the rocker girl, is the dagger sword bracelet which is from my Romeo, Juliet collection. As you can tell its not so obvious and it has an oxidized chain attached to it. I love this because you can stack them with a bunch of other bracelets and people would not know that you have got a dagger on.
