WidgetLocker Lockscreen v2.1.0 Android Application Free Download

  • 13 years ago
Download Link: http://www.i-downloads.info/widgetlocker-lockscreen-v2-1-0/
Portions of WidgetLocker are based on the excellent ADW.Launcher by Ander Webb and friends.
Official Gingerbread 2.3.3 (Nexus One) breaks trackball

What’s in this version:
More options for Root users
MIUI-like slider
Clock on Sense slider is optional
Added center button to rotary slider (pull down)
Allow editing existing sliders (From resize mode)
Much better wallpaper cropping
Option to only allow Volume buttons while music is playing
WaveLauncher integration
Unlock-with-Wifi integration (Requires UWW 1.1, coming soon)
Atrix Fingerprint scanner fixes
General fixes and optimizations