Exotic Pets - Colorado River Toad

  • 13 years ago
Exotic Pets - Colorado River Toad - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. This is a Colorado River Toad. These are found in Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico. They get rather large. They are a rather active toad. They are carnivores, as all frogs are. This one, in the wild, would eat small insects, small birds, small reptiles, small mammals. In captivity, we feed these lots and lots of crickets, and they will also eat very small mice. They are also cannibals, they will eat smaller versions of themselves. These are very well known for the bufotoxin they secrete from these glands behind their eyes. These are tremendously toxic animals. There have been recorded deaths from humans who have tried to consume these animals. They are known for their psychedelic properties, which I have never really understood. But they are very very neat animals. This is a large adult male. They do get a little bit bigger than this, but for the most part, this is full grown. To set these up in the wild, I mean in captivity, you would want to try to duplicate the wild the best you can. And they are found, usually, around open water, so you would want a large water bowl, with some coconut bay for dirt in the bottom of the cage. Give them something to hide under. And they usually do really good with a temperature of about 70-75 degrees. And they are very long lived, and really easy to keep, and they will eat right out of your hands. And once they get used to you, they are pretty neat. A dangerous animal I have. You have going to make sure you wash your hands for the sake of the animal before you touch it. But make sure you for sure wash your hands after you have handled this animal, because they are highly toxic, and should not be kept in homes where any small children would have access to them.
