YouTube does M-100s! (insane cardio workout montage)

  • 13 years ago
Here’s a montage of some of the entries I thought were the most impressive for the M-100s contest. There were actually much more…I would have included everyones, but I’m limited by the length of the video. Thank you to everyone who entered though, and you all won the real prize…which is improving your body and getting in better shape.

It’s really inspiring to see everyone on YouTube that’s started with the M-100s workouts. And you can see from the comments that lots of people have gotten great results just from doing this quick 3 minute bodyweight workout alone.

If you want to start getting in shape, M-100s are a great way to start! It just takes 3 minutes, it’s super simple to learn, and you don’t need any equipment. And as you can see from the comments…it’s an INTENSE, and very effective workout.

Check out the original M-100s video to learn how to do them:
