LBS - Five Foot Two - Clip

  • il y a 13 ans
LBS is the meeting between a small ukulele, a biG bass and percussions (cajon, washboard ...). It's also singing and trumpet (but without trumpet !).

They play swing oldies from the North America 20's :
All of me, Sweet Georgia Brown, Five foot two, Whispering, Happy Feet, Is not She Sweet, Sweet Sue, Caravan ... etc ...

Small group, this trio can play in your kitchen, garden, street, zenith ... Finally everywhere!


LittleBigSwing, c'est la rencontre entre un pitiiit ukulélé, une groOosse contrebasse et des percussions (cajon, washboard...). C'est aussi du chant et de la trompette (mais sans trompette !).

C'est encore des reprises swing de vieux tubes du début du siècle d'outre atlantique :
All of me, Sweet Georgia Brown, Five foot two, Whispering, Happy Feet, Ain't she sweet, Sweet Sue, Caravan... etc...

Petite formation, ce trio on peut jouer dans votre cuisine, jardin, rue, zénith... Enfin partout !