Unrest in Yemen

  • 13 years ago
Soldiers who have defected from the Yemeni army guard their positions.
Clashes between government forces and soldiers backing the protest movement seeking to unseat President Ali Abdullah Saleh have left at least four soldiers dead two on each side.
Scores of civilians and soldiers have been wounded in the fighting.
SOUNDBITE: Dr. Tareq Noman, saying: (Arabic):
"Three martyrs and dozens wounded, and I don't have exact statistics, but as you can see, almost every five minutes or ten minutes, we receive two, three wounded, and so on,"
Hopes are fading that a lasting ceasefire can be brokered to enable a mediated accord for Saleh to cede power to launch a reform process.
A truce called by Yemen's vice president earlier this week broke down within hours hours.
Citizens are expecting more bloodshed.
They are lining up at the hospital to donate blood.
More than 400 people have been killed in Yemen since the revolt against Saleh's rule began in January.
Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
