adrenergic urticaria - urticaria chronic - chronic idiopathic urticaria - severe urticaria

cabosusset Sir Kant

por cabosusset Sir Kant

2 vistas - adrenergic urticaria - urticaria chronic - chronic idiopathic urticaria - severe urticaria

Stopped Dermagraphism

Hi Kate

I am 55 years old and have been suffering from
dermagraphism for almost 3 years.

My allergist thinks it stated after I had an
allergic reaction to codeine.

I have had back surgery 5 years ago and needed
it for pain occasionally.

He called it dermagraphism and had me take
antihistamine twice a day.

They say I am not allergic to anything in
particular but have non allergic rhinitis's.

I was just on holidays and it was very warm and
of course we had wine and seafood and other

And it worsened to the point that I can not sleep.

A while back I was able to eat anything with maybe
some breakouts occasionally.

Doctors do not believe the food has anything to
do with it.