What are the Steps to Setup a Internet Marketing Business?

  • 13 years ago
http://im-4newbie.com/login/?aff=102 Complete Set Of 120+ 'Point-And-Click' Training Videos Designed For The Technically Challanged Will Equip You With The Confidence To Start Your Online Business!.

The price is an unbeleivable $7, so I urge you to take action. Don't miss this!.I charge $27 for my product and it only 26 Videos

As I stated in the video, if you send me proof that you purchased thru my affiliate link I will give you 5 turn key products complete with squeeze pages and follow up emails to use with your new system.(think of it as your buying a new car from me and I giving you free gas for a month). My email is increaseincomeinformation2@gmail.com

All this is covered in this video collection:

Setting up a MySQL database
Using your cPanel
Setting up Email accounts
Creating a landing page
Adding a web-capture form
Using style sheets
Setting up cron jobs
Installing a script
Creating an eBook
Creating a zip file
Creating a PDF
Creating a mini-site
Creating PayPal buttons
Creating 2Checkout buttons
Creating ClickBank order links
Working with cells and tables
Adding audio to your website
Creating a redirect
Modifying your 404 error pages
Working with Fantasico

And More...

Banish Your Marketing Demons!
Ultimate Training Kills Them All!
