Interview with Dave Hunt (@ Eisenwahn Festival, 29/07/2011)

  • il y a 13 ans
Hectic Case met - with its partner Metalchroniques -, Dave Hunt right after the Benediction gig at theEisenwahn Festival, not far from Frankfurt, Germany, on July 29 2011.
Having received all the info about Benediction from Nick Barker (, we seize the opportunity to talk with Dave about Anaal Nathrakh, the project he (as V.I.T.R.I.O.L.) got with Mick Kenney (as Irrumator). Dave tells us about how he works with Mick on this project and what' s the link the band got with John Boorman's movie Excalibur. After evoking how they happened to work with Zeitgeist Memento, Repvblika' s singer, he tells about some of the voice performers he'd like to work with, from Maurice de Jong (Gnaw Their Tongues, Cloak of Altering) to Mike Patton throught Yamantaka Eye, etc. He even calls up Björk and her Médúlla album, the videogame Left For Dead and all kinds of machinery. We're also told about the end of Mistress and, none the least, about the shortcoming Anaal Nathrakh record and the first likely show in Europe: Hellfest 2012!
