フィリップ・キルコロフ 『ストリングス』 (2010)

  • 13 年前
Philip Kirkorov "Strings"

Slowly, slowly melting moments
Disappears time for me
In every breath, every movement

Defiant and elusive
It pours music quiet, quiet
Spillovers unique
She plays for you

On weary soul strings
A quiet melody of love trembles
On weary soul strings
Inspection of gentle breathing

On weary soul strings
Silversmithing chords heart tells fortunes
On weary soul strings
Can not you hear?

Intersect, intertwine
The lines on the verge of two worlds
Touch, are exempt
From shackles

I love her do not want to frighten
Do not rush me, just with me either
Soft as silk, my music
She plays for you
