Pakistan Denies Handing U.S. Technology to Chinese Regime

  • 13 years ago
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Pakistan's foreign minister is angrily denying reports the country gave the Chinese regime access to a crashed U.S. stealth helicopter—access which could allow Beijing to reverse engineer the technology. The modified U.S. Blackhawk crashed during the raid of Osama bin Laden's compound.

On Sunday, The Financial Times quoted an anonymous source saying Chinese intelligence officers were given access to a U.S. stealth helicopter that crashed during the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden in May.

According to the report, the helicopter was covered in a special skin which allowed it to evade Pakistani radar. Beijing officials were allowed to take photos and samples.

But on Wednesday Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar denied the allegations and accused the newspaper of ulterior motives.

[Hina Rabbani Khar, Pakistan Foreign Minister]:
"I find it preposterous and really amazing that the newspaper reports continue to come despite the fact that the state of Pakistan has said categorically that wasn't the case and China has said categorically that wasn't the case. So if the newspaper reports are going to continue, I do not know what designs the newspaper reports are trying to follow."

Pakistan is a strategic ally of the United States but also has a close relationship with the Chinese regime. The country hinted it might give the regime access to the crash during the uproar following the raid, which it considered a violation of its sovereignty.

Ben Yang
