the billy can

  • il y a 13 ans
Bain de Bretagne 2011 (Festival West Country 2011)

Choreographed by Rob Fowler & Kate Sala
32 count, 4 wall, beginner (débutant)
Music: Hill Billy Soul Mix by The Billy Cans' feat. Dave Toussaint

Section 1
Tap Right Heel 2x, Tap Left Heel 2x, Tap Right Heel 2x, Tap Left Heel 2x

Section 2
Step Forward Diagonal Right, Step Left, Step Right Back to Center, Step Left Together,
(Jump Back Stepping Feet Apart On Right Left, Jump Back Stepping Feet Together On Right Left) 2x

Section 3
Step Back, Touch Clap, Step Forward, Touch Clap, Step Back, Touch Clap, Step Forward, Touch Clap

Section 4
Step Forward On Right, Pivot 1/8 Turn Left, Step Forward On Right, Pivot 1/8 Turn Left
(Step On Right To Right Side, Step On Left To Left Side) 2x

The first 4 counts (1 to 4) are done with a lasso action of the right arm above the head
The next 4 counts (5 to 8) are done either with a booty shake for men and a shimmy for women

Have fun !!! Amusez-vous !!!


