Salut l'Artiste- Goodbye Shutterfly

  • il y a 13 ans
Un hommage au meilleur cheval de CSO du XIXe qui a pris sa retraite en juillet 2011 ; bonne retraite champion ! ( pour les francophones , cliquez sur "subtitles" pour avoir le sous-titrage de la cérémonie d'adieux )

Shutterfly's legend and his retirement .

Introduction translation :
"In my eyes , you can read my own fears ;
in my attitude , your doubts ;
When you will be able to see an untroubled horse in front of you ,
You will have a self-revelation .

Until this time , what's a long and hard way to go !
And when you will be an old wise , and me , a faithful friend, we will both look behind us ,
and together we'll think :

what's a beautiful adventure we had !"
