Lumbar Spine Pathology Spondylolisthesis Isthmic Elongation nursing videos

  • 13 years ago
Lumbar Spine Pathology Spondylolisthesis Isthmic Elongation nursing videos. Shows the natural history of isthmic spondylolisthesis, thought to occur by repeated stress fractures of the pars articularis that heal, but lead to the pars gradually elongating.
The inter-vertebral disc and the facet joints are the points that connect and stabilize adjacent vertebrae. They allow some movement while keeping adjacent vertebrae correctly aligned.
The pars are the parts of the vertebrae that connect the pedicle with the lamina, or more accurately, the superior articular process to the inferior articular process of the same vertebra.
When there is a break in the bony pars, it is spondylolysis. Six percent of the population has a defect in the pars. Many have no symptoms, so it is only found during an investigation for another problem. Mostly it is stable and won't become worse, and doesn't require treatment.
Lumbar Spine Pathology Spondylolisthesis Isthmic Elongation nursing videos.
