Cell Phones And Brain Cancer: New Cautions Arise

  • 13 years ago

Today the World Health Organization confirmed what many scientists have been hinting about for more than a decade: Cell phones may increase your risk of brain cancer.

Indeed, in a complete reversal of their previous point of view that no evidence exists linking cell phone use to cancer, today a group of 31 WHO scientists from 14 countries meeting at the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that brain cancer might well be a risk associated with cell phone use.
The specialists reported coming to this conclusion after reviewing scientific literature published on the topic between the mid 1990’s and 2004.

As a result of the finding, WHO has now classified cell phones as a Category 2B carcinogenic risk – meaning that its effects may be similar to those of pesticides like DDT and air pollution from car exhausts.



