Drone Wars: Human Freedom in the Mediocre Machine (Pilot)

  • 13 years ago
Help produce this series for online distribution (green, low carbon output, free for all and karmically good as voluntary) by donating at: http://www.cveitch.org/ NO ONE FUNDS THESE FILMS EXCEPT YOU. thank you =) An open ended series that aims to inspire and re-energise the viewer through public displays of sub-ironic absurdity. The post-evolutionary stage for human beings was always going to be a difficult one. As we settle into somewhat liberal capitalist societies (in the West anyhow) we find that standards in all areas of life are falling, from education - basic maths, spelling, motivation in the classroom, through to the media/entertainment world - reality TV, inane singing contests, banal newspapers/tabloids. Everywhere we see the economy and motivation and general intelligence levels collapsing. We struggle to recognise our fellow citizens as they heave their obese and bellicose bodies from fast food outlet to shopping mall, listening to manufactured TV pop music. Who are these people? How did they get like this? We even find a general ennui to political matters; as the dumbed down population are fed and watered, their muscles of dissent have atrophied and they accept even tighter collars and austerity measures upon their necks. This series will aim to smash through the cobwebs of our own despair and show how it is as simple as making a choice: that you are an inspired human being full of courage and you will not surrender. The series (if it goes ahead) will be shot in the British Isles, Ireland, mainland Europe, Brazil, and wherever else the trail of the mediocre machine takes us. In this pilot episode I join a French TV crew who were already filming a series about eccentricity in London - I didn't know whether to be flattered or offended that they chose me! As the presenter Alex already understood the basic concepts of absurdity, I introduced her to sub-ironic absurdity - the absurd where the target of the absurd is unable to tell the level of seriousness of the absurder. This is a facsimile of how the underlying structure of nature is manifest. Is this all a joke? Is any of this real? We struggle with the mysterious and many philosophers have argued that all action past existence is inherently absurd. We will try and reconcile this absurdism with truth and beauty, whilst at the same time taking the fight to the powerful in order to ensure that the conversation carries on. Pilot episode features the following music: Intro scene is Drew Chambers' cover of Someone Like you by Adele http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TksNYEqPxDE End scenes: The XX - Intro (Deep Focus Remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkcBXkzWt2E THANKS FOR WATCHING May compassion, forgiveness, and love bless your day so that those around you notice your lack of mediocrity. Peace Charlie Veitch 
