Two Worlds of Dance Collide

  • 13 years ago
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About twenty years ago, dancers Jill and Amnon Damti met accidentally. This meeting led to a close relationship and to the creation of a unique and interesting dance show in Israel. Let's take a look.

[Amnon Damti, Dancer & Choreographer]: (Male, Hebrew)
"When I began dancing I felt the music in my body, and I realized that I am a universal dancer, and that it doesn't matter whether I can hear or not!!"

So tells us dancer Amnon Damti, who is deaf from birth. His wife Jill translates his words literally and also by sign language.

They live together as a couple and have two children. They are also partners in dancing. When Jill first met Amnon she was curious to learn sign language, and picked it up very quickly.

At the age of 15, Amnon joined a group of deaf dancers, something that was unique in Israel. Being extremely talented as a dancer, he became the lead dancer of the group. Amnon has had a love for dance all his life.

[Amnon Damti, Dancer & Choreographer]: (Male, Hebrew)
"At the age of ten I loved art, and all of a sudden I saw the Bolshoi from Russia performing on TV. Amazing! Strong! I was completely taken by Pirouette spins. I wanted to dance with all my heart. Although I am unable to hear music, I can feel it!! It is even stronger."

Jill Damti was born in the U.S., studied acrobatics and worked as an art swimmer with dolphins. She also studied film. Jill is the host of the show, which conveys not only verbal messages, but also physical messages, and so the audience becomes an active participant in the show.

Reporter:Lee Rom
Photographer:Michael Ash
NTD News, Tel Aviv, Israel.