Time Frames to get hard money loans

  • 13 years ago
Apply for hard money loans and get funded within 7 Days:http://bit.ly/gF2YCV

We've been asked several times about the time frames in getting hard money loans completed. There are few things, which are needed before applying for hard money loans. First of all, you need to have property under contract. After that you can make a hard money loan application to hard money lenders i.e. Do Hard Money. After receiving your application, we send our evaluators for property evaluation and they look at the repairs which need to be done and the value of the property.

After that, our portfolio manager will look at the inspections and then we will tell you the exact hard money loans amount you will get on that particular property. But you being a borrower need to make sure that you have provided us with all the documents like the property under contract document etc.
