Armed Villagers Prevent Police Arrest in Northern India

  • 13 years ago
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Police in northern India are trying to arrest a former legislator accused of murder. But supporters and relatives of the legislator have armed themselves to prevent his arrest. They've held off the police for 11 days so far.

Police have been struggling to arrest a former legislator of the regional Indian National Lok Dal party accused of indiscriminate firing that left one dead and eight injured.

Armed villagers have ringed the house of Bali Pahalwan, located in the Rohtak district of the northern Haryana state.

Relatives and supporters from around 44 villages in the have gathered to protect Pahalwan, who claims that he is innocent.

[Bali Pahalwan, Former Legislator Accused of Murder]:
"It is all done with the motive of devious politics to defame my name and those of my brothers, nephews, family and all of them here. I have no wrong link as such. You can verify it from anyone. They say I was involved in the incident. If proved right, then I'm even ready to be hanged till death."

Supporters have gathered in huge numbers, and have held off the police for eleven days now.

[Sunita Devi, Bali Pahalwan Supporter]:
"We can go to any limit if we don't get justice. We have got sticks, rods, guns, petrol bombs and acid with us. We have every possible thing to put up a good fight. We will do anything to save our leader."

The police say they are proceeding very carefully so as to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.

[V. Kamaraj, Inspector General, Rohtak Police]:
"We are carefully monitoring the situation. But it does not mean that we are sitting here out of fear. We shall take the required action if needed. But we hope it may not happen because no innocent should get hurt. That is why I want to proceed further carefully."
