Coca Cola: Generación De Los 80 (2ª Parte)
Segundo de los dos anuncios publicitarios de la marca, donde se rinde homenaje a la generación de los 80, con apariciones de personajes de aquella época. Incluye una versión de la canción "Gold", que en su día cantó Spandau Ballet.
Second of the two TV commercials of the company, where it makes a tribute to the generation of the 80's, with special appearances of people of those time. It includes a version of the song "Gold", that time ago it was sung by Spandau Ballet.
Second of the two TV commercials of the company, where it makes a tribute to the generation of the 80's, with special appearances of people of those time. It includes a version of the song "Gold", that time ago it was sung by Spandau Ballet.