Human Mobile Stage 58M, 2011 50th Celebration of Master Chau Biu Banquet, Lion Dance Kung Fu

  • 13 years ago
Human Mobile Stage No. 58M, The Celebration of 37th anniversary of establishment and 38th Staff Inauguration of Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art Sports Association and Chau Biu anniversary Banquet Party. And it also was 50th Anniversary of Death of Master Chau Biu. Time: 16-04-2011 (Chinese Lunar date 14th March of each year, it was day of the death of Master Chau Biu in 1961). We are very pleasure and thanks for all the guests were presented, other details please refer to Human Mobile Stage 58K.
This Video information:
Kung Fu Show:
(1) Performed by Chau Biu Chinese Boxing Association.
(1.1)Wong Lam – Small Tiger Fist
(1.2) Lam She Ho – Mui Fu Sheung Do
(1.3) Chu Kiu Wah – Single Broadsword
(1.4) Wong On Skek – Sai Ping Fist
(1.5) Tsui Kim Chong vs Cheng Shen Wan – Tai Do Vs Double edges Spear.