Setup a cron job in cPanel | cPanel Cron Job

  • 13 years ago

Visit VodaHost to learn how to setup a cron job in cPanel hosting.

Select Cron jobs under the Advanced category in your cPanel hosting. There are 2 methods the Standard or Advanced method to setup a cron job. Let’s select the Standard button. Type an email address that the cron results will be delivered to. Then type the command instructions of the script that will operate with the path.

Next indicate the calendar cycle of the cron. In this example the script will operate on the 1st Sunday of every month at 12:00 am midnight.

Minute(s) - 0
Hour(s) - 0
Day(s) - 1
Month(s) - Every Month
Weekday(s) - Sunday

And then select Save Crontab. A display will appear verifying that the cron job has been updated. Select Go Back to the Cron Jobs page and select the Standard button.

Select the Home icon to return to your cPanel hosting screen. Through VodaHost hosting you are now aware how to setup a cron job in cPanel.
