• il y a 14 ans
Personnellement j'ai du mal à y croire dès que je les vois en nudistes !!
Mais c'est étonnant que cette nouvelle vidéo aurait aussi eu lieu en Russie comme l'autre en vidéo suite où aurait eu lieu un crash relaté par les médias Russes (à moi que ce ne soit qu'un astéroïde sur lequel s'est greffé des fakes d'E.T. !
Supergia007: "According to the person who sent me this video, this is actual footage of an ET filmed in a forest in Russia. He states that other uploads of this video will be produced stating that it was filmed elsewhere, this will be an attempt by the covert groups to debunk the original video and location by casting doubt on its authenticity. More footage will be released soon concerning this sighting, including footage of several more beings and the ship they came from."

This is some of the most compelling footage that I've viewed to date. There is a possibility that this is a fake but it would've had to be done by a Hollywood production company...perhaps viral marketing?
