Thai Customs Seize 175 Smuggled Anteaters

  • 13 years ago
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Thai customs have confiscated smuggled anteaters Malaysia. Shipments of endangered species that pass through Thailand have been seized four times in less than two months.

On Wednesday, Thai customs officers confiscated about 175 pangolins smuggled from Malaysia worth more than $66,000.

The pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, were kept in nets and cages.

Officials say they were hidden in a pick-up truck to be sold in third-party countries.

Customs officials have confiscated smuggled shipments of endangered animals four times in less than two months.

[Prosong Poothanet, Director General, Thai Customs Office]:
"Nowadays, custom officers focus on prevention of drugs and banned wildlife trade. We can often arrest them. We hope they will stop. If they try to sell them, but cannot make any profit, they might stop one day."

Pangolins are mostly found in Southeast Asia where some people believe that its meat and blood can enhance sexual power.

The seized pangolins will be sent to a rehabilitation center operated by the wildlife and plant department.

Thailand is a signatory of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which bans wildlife trade.