Israel's Little Sarah Palin - Orly Levy Abekasis

  • 13 years ago
ORLY LEVY-ABEKASIS is the pretty face of the lunatic fringe Right political party ISRAEL BEITEINU.
ORLY LEVY-ABEKASIS painstakingly cultivates an image of a compassionate Member of Knesset, even as she introduces recommendations to the Knesset to remove the ceiling on the number of children who can be removed from their homes.
She had Activist ARYE PISHMAN from Carmiel committed to MAZRA PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL after he sent her a letter in which he delineated problems with Social Services and said he has a document that will prove that former President, MOSHE KATZAV, is innocent of the rape charge he has been convicted of.
Judge SHMUEL BERLINER, Vice President of the Haifa District Court, is the judge who heard the hearings.
DR. ELI GREENER is DISTRICT PSYCHIATRIST for the NORTHERN DISTRICT of Israel who must sign all forced commitments in this district. Interestingly in 2007.