Singing Tv's First User Competition!

  • 13 years ago
Hey Singers! We are so happy and excited to announce's very first user competition! Please watch the video, and then read below for details: Competition #1: The most creative way to spread the word about SingingTV wins a free 1/2 hour voice lesson! Here's how to enter: 1) Come up with a creative idea of how to spread the word about! Execute the idea, and email a link, photo, video, or explaination of your idea and what you did to spread the word. 2) Make SURE that you have registered at Http:// (lower right-hand corner) to qualify, and to make sure that you have full access to all that SingingTV has to offer now and in the future. 3) Make sure that you've done the above by April 24th. The most creative idea wins a free 1/2 voice lesson (online or in person) with Sara! Competition #2: Whomever gets the most new users interested in SingingTV wins a Shure SM58 microphone! Here's how to enter: 1) Tell everyone you know about Http:// 2) All of your friends who like SingingTV must register their at Http:// (lower right-hand corner), and shoot a quick email to saying their name and who told them about the website by April 24th. It's that easy!
