Rani Mukherjee And Vidya Balan Can't Stop Praising Each Other - Bollywood News

  • 13 years ago
Watch Rani Mukherjee And Vidya Balan Can't Stop Praising Each Other - Bollywood News. Two beautiful ladies Rani Mukerji and Vidya Balan seem to have bonded very well these days. Recently when these sizzling beauties went to a local radio station to promote their upcoming film 'No One Killed Jessica' they could not stop complementing each other. To know the inside story, take a dekko. Visit us at http://www.rajshri.com/Listing/Trailers-and-Trivia/Free-Hindi-Trailers-Trivia-New-Bollywood-Promos-Clips-First-Look for the latest bollywood film reviews, makings & trailers. 
