Simple Acid Reflux Remedies That Work

  • 13 years ago Acid reflux is something many people struggle with regularly. Some people even struggle with it on a daily basis. There are acid reflux remedies out there that can offer some relief. Typically acid reflux is due to eating certain foods that trigger it. However, acid reflux can also be genetic, so no matter what is eaten the person will struggle with the condition. This is common in older people, however younger people and even teenagers can have acid reflux. This is something that can affect anyone and thankfully they are some simple ways to deal with it.One of the simpler acid reflux remedies is to sprinkle cinnamon on some toast and eat the toast. Cinnamon tastes great and eating it sprinkled on toast is something many people certainly don't mind. So, this is preferable as it tastes good and it works.
