How to save money on my insurance premium by raising ...

  • 13 years ago
Rates for home and auto insurance, as with any insurance coverage, can vary greatly. The amount of risk you choose to assume (amount of deductible) has a lot to do with said variance. Sometimes low deductibles seem attractive, but are they more attractive than higher insurance rates? Keep in mind that you have no idea when (if) it is that you might file a claim. However, you do know that you will be paying your insurance premium each month. We recommend you take on high deductibles, which generally means you will have lower rates. In this case, you should open a savings account that you make regular deposits specifically for any potential claims that could arise. If you are not sure that you have adequate coverage or if you don't know that your deductible is suitable for your needs, give us a call. We are your problem solvers here to help.