Which famous New Yorker did Lisa cook for? Why, Holden Caulfield, from Catcher in the Rye! Watch and learn as she bakes rye bread from scratch - a classic NYC delight for a classic literary character. Stay tuned for next week's St. Patrick's Day episode! Lisa makes herself food. Lisa makes yourself laugh.Funny Side Up, hosted by Lisa Ludwinski, is part comedy and humor, part how-to recipe cooking show. Using celebrities and other notable figures from history as inspiration, Lisa creates a new dish each week tailored for that week's guest. Come back every week for more recipes, good food, cooking tips, and some fun comedy with Lisa on Funny Side Up.More Recipes and Cooking How-To:http://www.youtube.com/lisaludwinskihttp://www.thefunnysideup.comhttp://www.youtube.com/hungrynationhttp://twitter.com/thefunnysideup
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