des dessins de femmes africaines
We found her rather pretty, Lily
She arrived in Somaliland Lily
In a boatload of emigrants
All of whom came voluntarily
Empty trash cans in Paris
She thought we were equal Lily
In the land of Voltaire, Hugo and Lily
But by contrast to Debussy
It takes two black for white
It's quite a distinction
She loved the freedom Lily
She dreamed of brotherhood Lily
A hotel street Secrétan
He said on arrival
We received only whites
We found her rather pretty, Lily
She arrived in Somaliland Lily
In a boatload of emigrants
All of whom came voluntarily
Empty trash cans in Paris
She thought we were equal Lily
In the land of Voltaire, Hugo and Lily
But by contrast to Debussy
It takes two black for white
It's quite a distinction
She loved the freedom Lily
She dreamed of brotherhood Lily
A hotel street Secrétan
He said on arrival
We received only whites
Art et design