NEW RECORD CLIMB at Famous Fargo street...on a MOUNTAIN UNICYCLE!

  • 13 years ago
On 2/23/11, I decided to make another attempt at the monster of all climbs: Fargo Street in Los Angeles. It's 33% grade makes it one of the 3 steepest streets in the US! I had doubts since I couldn't seem to get more than about 300 of the 530 total feet. That last half is a killer and it's where most fail. But at the age of 55, I knew it was pretty much knew it was now or never for me!

So with my friend Steve's encouragement, I set out to conquer Fargo...on ONE wheel! No gears, no clipless, no extra wheel and handle bars. It would be 1:1 fixed all the way up baby! I had come close in mid/late 2009 when I tried it last, but I lost momentum and fell off. I mounted again and finished, and although it wasn't a successful climb, I was proud of my "almost" attempt.