Race Score Cheat In Car Town On Facebook

  • 13 years ago
Download it : http://bestfiledownload.com/Tamala90612/Car 1. Open Up Mozilla And Cheat Engine 2. Click The Little Computer Icon Flashing In CE And Click On The One That Says "XXXXXXXX-plugin-container.exe" 3. Open Up Car Town And Click On A Friend. Then Click Practice 4. Click On CE And Typer 0 In Then Click New Scan Also Turn On Speedhack 5. Click Go On Car Town Then Pause The Game By Sliding The Speedhack To "0.0" 6. Typer In The New Number (Youre Score Number In Top Right) Make Sure You Press The Second Button Not First One 7. Double Clcik On The Single One. 8. In The Big Box Below Click On The Value And Type In "9999" 9. Slide The Speedhack Back Up To "1". Hopefully Your Score Should Change
