IndieCade - Supporting the Little Guy

  • 13 years ago's David Klein chats with Sam Roberts, festival director of IndieCade, also known as the International Festival of Independent Games. Regardless of the platform the game is released on, IndieCade strives to bring press and the general public's attention to the lesser known titles within the gaming industry. Development company titles and production values are irrelevant here; the festival focuses on the most unique and creative concepts within the independent gaming industry. IndieCade is set for October 6-9th for 2011, with game submissions for the festival opening after the 1st of March. For more information on IndieCade, visit Host: David Klein Edited by: Troy Bargenquast Executive Producer: Spencer Striker Creative Director: Andrew Benninghoff Producer: Tyler Thompson, Thomas Schulenberg Camera Operators: Justin Luntz, Max Madsen Graphics: Andrew Benninghoff, Andrew Von Haden