Hosni Mubarak refuses to step down

  • 13 years ago

Anti-government protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square in Egypt have reacted angrily to the news that President Hosni Mubarak does not plan to step down.

In a televised speech to the nation, the Egyptian President made it clear he will not resign and would remain until new presidential elections in September.

He said he would transfer some powers to Vice President Omar Suleiman, according to the constitution.

In return, protesters chanted "down, down with Hosni Mubarak," and "leave, leave." Some waved shoes in dismay.

Mubarak said he was ready to amend Egypt's constitution to ensure smooth transition saying that Egypt was heading "day after day" to a peaceful transfer of power:

"I express a commitment to carry on and protect the constitution and the people and transfer power to whomever is elected next September in free and transparent elections," Mr Mubarak said.

He also said those who died during the country's unrest "did not die in vain", adding he "felt the pain of those who had lost family members".
