• il y a 14 ans
version française= http://www.dailymotion.com/video/edit/xgwmlh_des-forets-et-des-hommes-yann-arthus-bertrand_lifestyle ---- Yann Arthus-Bertrand was appointed by the United Nations to produce the official film for the International Year of Forests.
Following the success of Home which was seen by 400 million people, the photographer began producing a short 7-minute film on forests made up of aerial images from Home and the Vu du Ciel television programmes.
This film will be shown during a plenary session of the Ninth Session of United Nations Forum on Forests (24 January - 4 February 2011) in New York. It will be available to all from February 2 -- so that it can be shown worldwide.
With the voice of EDWARD NORTON.