How To Screencast Like Pro, Web Video, Video Production

  • 13 years ago Screencast video can be just record what's on your computer screen. You don't have to worry about video cameras, lighting or even what you look like. And they can be just as powerful...sometimes even more powerful...than regular on-camera video. But screencast video can also be confusing, intimidating and frustrating. For most people, their screencast videos come out looking fuzzy, distorted, hard to see, hard to hear...or...all of the above. The good news is you don't need to worry about those things anymore. That's because I'm going to show you...step by step...exactly what you need to do to create dazzling, crystal-clear, great looking and great sounding screencast videos. In fact, you'll learn all the secrets to making videos just like the one at the top of this page! How? It's through my new video-based training course called How To Screencast Like a Pro. The title pretty much says it all.
