Plumeria Plants - How To Grow Plumeria Cuttings

Bob Walsh

by Bob Walsh

440 views Plumeria Plants – How To Grow Plumeria Cuttings

One of the quickest ways to enjoy plumeria flowers is to plant plumeria cuttings.
One of the big advantages of propagating plumeria plants from cuttings is that the buyer is able to choose very specifically the plant he/she wants, based on the color, growth habits, fragrance or a number of other desirable traits that are present in a particular plumeria variety.

While awaiting the arrival of your newly ordered cutting take the time to get all the necessary equipment to properly plant the plumeria cutting.

Plumeria cuttings may root within weeks or may take several months to develop roots depending on the particular plumeria variety. Following tried and tested methods is the best insurance for one’s own success in rooting plumeria cuttings, even the difficult ones.