The Ghost Writer, Forum & Discussions 2

  • 13 years ago
Visit For The Ghost Writer, Forum & Discussions 2 Comment and Subscribe please if you like it... When a successful British ghostwriter (Ewan McGregor) agrees to complete the memoirs of former British Prime Minister Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), his agent assures him it is the opportunity of a lifetime. But the project seems doomed from the start — not least because his predecessor on the project, Lang's long-term aide, died in an apparent accident. The ghostwriter flies out to work on the project, in the middle of winter, at an oceanfront house in the fictional village of Old Haven (an allusion to Vineyard Haven) on Martha's Vineyard. But the day he arrives, a former British foreign minister named Rycart accuses Lang of authorizing the illegal seizure of suspected terrorists and handing them over for torture by the CIA — a possible war crime. Lang faces the threat of prosecution by the International Criminal Court, unless he stays in the U.S. or goes to another country that does not recognize that court.