Splinter, Forum & Discussions 2

  • 13 years ago
Visit http://www.indonesiaindonesia.com/en/f/88243-film-hollywood-splinter/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splinter_%282008_film%29 For Splinter, Forum & Discussions 2 Comment and Subscribe please if you like it... The film opens on a sleepy gas station, where the slack-jawed pump attendant (Charles Baker) is attacked by a seemingly rabid animal. Through a series of glimpses the attendant's body begin to contort after the attack. Meanwhile, a young couple, Seth Belzer (Paulo Costanzo) and Polly Watt (Jill Wagner) retreat to the wilderness for a romantic camping trip in the ancient forests of Oklahoma, but their plans are shattered when they are car-jacked by an escaped convict, Dennis Farell (Shea Whigham), and his drug-addict girlfriend, Lacey Belisle (Rachel Kerbs).