Hi-Tech Rickshaws and LED Lights Shine at Tokyo Tech Expos

  • 13 years ago
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Tokyo is hosting two technology expos this week. One Japanese company is displaying their eco-friendly technology, showing off a rickshaw-like vehicle that runs on batteries. At the other end of the expo center, visitors are being illuminated by the latest in LED lighting.

Next-generation growing lights and eco-friendly cars are attracting thousands of visitors to two technology expos being held in Tokyo this week.

One of the expos, "Lighting Japan," has brought together more than 400 companies from 15 countries, with a large majority of them focusing on LED lighting.

One company displayed the "LED Plant Factory System" at the expo. The system comes with an aeroponic spray that provides plants with nutrients from below, and also uses LED lights to raise the plants.

[Young Seob Oh, CEO, Grow Light Company Ltd.]:
"When producing lettuce, it takes about 45 days for them to mature enough to harvest using normal water only planting methods. With our method of using LED's, they instead mature enough to harvest in about a month."

The exhibition hall was also hosting an expo for the latest in eco-friendly transportation. Top carmakers displayed the latest hybrid and electric vehicles.

One small manufacturer stood out with its three-wheeled electronic vehicle called "Meguru". The vehicle is shaped like a cart or Japanese rickshaw, and runs on a single lithium ion battery with a maximum speed and range of 25 miles per hour.

[Nobuyuki Ogura, CEO, Yodogawa Group]:
"This is a true environmentally friendly car. Instead of air-conditioner, the vehicle comes with a pinwheel and we are also thinking of adding a wind chime because it gives a refreshing sound to cool you down without the need of electricity. The car doesn't have a heater, but it's equipped with blankets to warm you during the winter."