Rense Moret - Google's Sinister DNA Plans

  • 13 years ago
This has been uploaded with permission from the JRense channel on YouTube.

They retain the copyright to it. They would not allow me to share this with you on my YouTube channels, CUTECATFAITH and SLOBOMOTION, but they did authorize me to share this with you on Dailymotion. I hope you find it enlightening.

Please listen carefully, and share this video. is my website. My latest writing appears in FREAK WAVE, a new French/English anthology of art and literature, published by ERETIC.

copyright 2011 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved, but only my comments here are original; again, this appears here with FULL KNOWLEDGE AND CONSENT BY THE CONTENT CREATORS, and I have the right to put this clip here.

"Fight the good fight."