Phone 4 Energy - To Tap Into The Electricity

  • 13 years ago - Phone 4 Energy - To Tap Into The Electricity Of Your Phone Line To Power Up Your Household Appliances

With Phone 4 Energy, you’ll get:

To tap into the electricity of your phone line to power up your household appliances!

To save thousands of dollars each year on your power bill, especially during a financial pinch!

To spend your money on the things you enjoy!

A safer alternative to energize your home!

Your own secret source of hidden electricity to light up anything with up to 110 volts!

To have a source of free energy at your fingerprints!

Complete step-by-step instructions on how to make energy from your phone
line using simple components!

Be the only house on the block with working electricity even during a power cut!

To do your part to preserve the environment! Your children will thank you for it! much more!
