• 12 years ago
DIY Culture: Make a $10,000 Cerebral Palsy Tool Cost $50
Maker Faire - San Mateo County Event Center
Let's create a "Maker Corps"! In the altruistic spirit of the Peace Corps, let's create socially relevant solutions at the grass roots level. But rather than one expert, remotely located for long periods, dispensing expertise to the unaware, let's do it in the Maker spirit of local, collaborative, interdisciplinary teams, co-discovering disruptive technology solutions and high social value propositions with our peers, who just happen to have some special needs, with everyone involved having lots of fun along the way.Using social networking, wikis, and online forums, we can create an incubator for matching critical needs with ad hoc project teams, openly sharing and celebrating our successes (and failures). In keeping with the Maker Creed, these teams can include a cross-section of skill levels and mentoring opportunities. Would your child benefit in both empathy and motivation toward a satisfying career of social significance by participating in a project to help another child? Would you? Lord Baden-Powell figured out how to get little old ladies across the street. Let's figure out how to instrument and automate a paraplegic's house.