"Really Something to See" - Fashion Buyer on Shen Yun

  • 13 years ago
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Next, one fashion buyer who saw Shen Yun Performing Arts in Montreal was fascinated by not only the glittering costumes, but also the depth of meaning behind the performance.

[Sophie Loyer, Fashion Buyer]:
“Amazing, extraordinary, costume, music, everything, the whole culture.”

Fashion buyer Sophie Loyer saw Shen Yun Performing Arts in Montreal, Canada, and was impressed by the costumes.

[Sophie Loyer, Fashion Buyer]:
“The glitter and everything [on the costumes]. I find that it brings you joy.”

She enjoyed the dance titled “Manchurian Elegance.”

[Sophie Loyer, Fashion Buyer]:
“I was fascinated with the shoes, because this is incredible. It is only a small piece like this that they stand on and they are very ancient shoes, like about this small. So to see them move very elegantly was incredible.”

She also liked the “Plum Blossom” dance.

[Sophie Loyer, Fashion Buyer]:
“I think, because I had read the book, when they were explaining the flower, I see it as a very strong flower because it grows when there is still snow.”

She says the ancient values in the show are something people today should still have.

[Sophie Loyer, Fashion Buyer]:
“More people should be exposed to that. Honestly, because they are missing out on a lot. It’s really something to see.”

NTD News, Montreal, Canada