Raw Food Educator Ellen Livingston, Green Smoothie and Cool

  • 13 years ago
http://www.suprememastertv.com Today, I'd like to take it a step further with you and explore with you the potential of a raw vegan diet. So by vegan, I mean a plant-based diet. A diet that doesn't include any animal products whatsoever, so no meats, no animal milks, no dairy foods, yogurt, cheese all those kinds of things, and even not honey. Now what's different about a raw vegan diet is just as it sounds -- we don't cook the food. So nature provides food to us in its perfect, fresh, raw state, the way we were intended to eat it. And it gives us all the nutrition we need in the perfect package with all the water that it's supposed to come with and all the nutrients acting together just the way it was planned. Our body is self-healing. It's a self healing organism; it knows how to regulate, maintain, repair, heal itself, and it will use its energy to heal everything that it can, if it has a chance