Xcom Ufo Defense Proj.

  • 13 years ago
A video clip of some scenes created for my own Xcom video. based on the original Xcom game and not the new release coming in 2011.
all created in C4d and AE- JP-8- VST- video may be deleted soon.

maybe raise awareness to what a great game it was in 1993, and why
those who are making a new one IMO should just recreate original with modern
graphics and tech.No they got to make some 1st person shooter(like there aint enuff of em) that does not look appealing to myself.complete change- in no relation to any of the originals. I may be wrong but what I have read and seen does not agree
with a cold stone die hard of orig. Xcom. Still play it today--how the hell is that for replay value?
Personally I feel alot of todays games it seems are hell bent on nothing but graphics-Slaughter and kill ratios.