Rising Numbers of Motorcycles Congest Roads in Jakarta

  • 13 years ago
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In Jakarta, motorcycles are a cheap alternative to cars. They are also seen as a quicker way to surf traffic. But, their rising numbers are worsening road congestion.

Everyday, hundreds of shiny new motorcycles roll off this assembly line in the Indonesian capital and are shipped to dealers all over the country.

Motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular in big cities such as Jakarta, a city of 8.5 million. Here, traffic jams happen all the time.

Back in 1999, fewer than half a million motorcycles were sold in the country.

But this year, an estimated 6.4 million motorcycles hit the roads.

Motorcycle distributors say the demand is being encouraged by cheap credit and a growing middle class.

Honda is planning to expand its annual production capacity by 50 percent to meet the surging demand.

For commuters, motorcycles are not only relatively affordable. They are also a faster means to get through rush hour traffic.

[Rio Ojahan Harahap, Motorcycle Commuter]:
"With a motorbike I can cut the average commute in half. If I use it, it takes only 30 or 45 minutes maximum to my office, while by car it can take one-and-a-half hours or even two hours."

But motorcycles are only a short-term solution to Jakarta's traffic problems.

Jams are unavoidable, because the number of total vehicles is increasing at a far greater pace than that of new roads being built.

Local authorities are actively thinking of restricting the growing number of motorcycles in Jakarta.

[Fauzy Bowo, Jakarta Governor]:
"My duty is to provide people with a public transportation alternative. Once the public transportation is there and it fulfills the demand, I think we will have to limit the usage of private vehicles including motorcycles."

But that might not do much to solve the transport gridlock. Both buses and trains are already packed to bursting, especially during peak hours.
