Tourists Return to India's Varanasi City after Bomb Blast

  • 14 years ago
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Tourists are returning to India's temple city of Varanasi about a week after a bomb blast left two people dead and dozens more injured. Now, there's increased security to prevent any further attacks.

Recent militant violence discouraged foreign tourists from visiting the temple city of Varanasi in India's northern state of Uttar Pradesh for a week or so. But with increased security, people are returning to the Hindu holy site.

[Manoj Pandey, Hotel Manager, Varanasi]:
"There was minor impact, people around the world heard about the blast so there was a dip but, only for eight to 10 days, after which they started coming back. So, people are coming in great numbers and hopefully it will continue till the New Year."

On December 7th, there was a bomb blast near the Vishwanath temple in Varanasi City.

A two-year-old girl was killed and about 37 people, including foreign tourists, were injured in the blast and the ensuing stampede.
